Tech Talk
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Here are a few of our most popular tech archives. Click on the one (PDF) you require. You will need Acrobat Reader. Call our office for more information.
Exhaust Brake Causes EGR Fault On Isuzu
Diesel Fuel System Components ID
Direct Drive Compressor Run-In
Catch Cans Often Misunderstood
Lithium Batteries – Energy Density
Denso Charging Issues (JAS TEch Tip)
M-Benz Sensotronic Reset & Test
Kia Rio Running Rough (VACC Tech Talk)
Common Faults Holden Rodeo (tech talk)
Highs & Lows – Diesel Diagnosis by Clinton Brett
Why is the industry changing to R1234yf?
Would your business pass an ARC A/C Audit? (see this check list)
Diesel tech Talk – Nissan Patrol
Understanding the EGR Valve – by Greg Organ
“I’ve replaced the SCV and the fault re-appears!”
Diesel Tech Talk by Clinton Brett
“Start with the basics” by Matt Hardy
VIDEO – Here is what happens when vehicles are not regularly serviced!
Battery Talk by Johnny Kennedy (Flooded Batt)
Battery Talk by Johnny Kennedy (Batt Config)
Battery Talk by Johnny Kennedy (start stop)
Counterfeit Toyota Filters Warning
Temperature & How It affects battery performance
Secondary Ignition Scope Analysis (video).
Battery Charging, what happens chemically?
Stray Current & Testing (ADRAD)
Vehicle ECU Had Been Modified courtesy Autodata
Handy A/C System Diagnosis Table
Ford Transit Diesel (more carbon dramas)
Collyn Rivers RV/Solar April 2014
Nissan Window Reset (courtesy Autodata)
CAN, or Controller Area Networks… The Basics
2002 Hyundai Accent “running rough”
Scantools-selecting by Matt Hardy
Technically Speaking – Various Tech Tips
Diagnostic Strategies-By Matt Hardy
Parallel Charging Batteries by Collyn Rivers
Mazda MX5 Tech Tip “poor performance”
AU / BA Falcon Alternator/Regulator Confusion
BMW Fan Speed Not Operating
Volvo 940 GLE AC Not Operating
Understanding Your Fuel Delivery System’
Honda Civic Airbag Light Staying On
Toyota Corolla Engine Over-Heating